Wisconsin development reserve fund: one overall guarantee limit for all programs [Sec. 3100-3102, 3110, 3111, 3114-3124] -
Act 16
Car-kill deer: claiming of [Sec. 1177g, r] -
Act 16
Operator's records searches by DOT: fees increased; vehicle extrication training grants [Sec. 671h, 2337k, 3410-3414k, 9452 (2f)] [9452 (2f) — partial veto; 671h, 2337k, 3410k, 3411k, 3412k, 3413k, 3414k — vetoed]
Act 16
Hail-damaged vehicles: definition created [Sec. 432b, d, 435m, 9452 (2q)] -
Act 109
Motor vehicle franchises: approval of proposed actions modified -
Act 31
Motor vehicle purchased after consumer receives refund under a new motor vehicle warranty: sales tax revision re trade-in value -
Act 45
Automated drivers' license testing throughout the state: DOT to study [Sec. 9152 (3k)] [vetoed] -
CDL disqualification for railroad crossing violations [Sec. 439e-j, 441m, p, 9352 (1h), 9452 (1ff)]
Act 109
Driver's license or ID card photograph: sunset of DOT authority to release to law enforcement agencies repealed
Act 41
Ignition interlock devices, vehicle immobilization, or vehicle forfeiture: provisions revised re multiple OWI-related offenses; sanctions and occupational drivers' license provisions [Sec. 3409f, g, 3415m-3427m, 3443c-m, 3445f-m, 3937j-3938p, 4060gg-hy, 9352 (6), (7kk), 9452 (8), (9kk)] -
Act 16
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture [Sec. 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4k), 9452 (5k)] -
Act 16
Operator's records searches by DOT: fees increased; vehicle extrication training grants [Sec. 671h, 2337k, 3410-3414k, 9452 (2f)] [9452 (2f) — partial veto; 671h, 2337k, 3410k, 3411k, 3412k, 3413k, 3414k — vetoed]
Act 16
Selective service registration: DOT notification requirements re information from driver's license, permit, or ID card applications -
Act 93
Airbag previously deployed or otherwise nonfunctional: installation of or concealing prohibited
Act 28
Crossing gate on school buses required -
Act 58
Ignition interlock devices, vehicle immobilization, or vehicle forfeiture: provisions revised re multiple OWI-related offenses; sanctions and occupational drivers' license provisions [Sec. 3409f, g, 3415m-3427m, 3443c-m, 3445f-m, 3937j-3938p, 4060gg-hy, 9352 (6), (7kk), 9452 (8), (9kk)] -
Act 16
Qualified transportation fringe benefit plan for state employees created [Sec. 1388, 1389, 1396-1398, 1399, 1400]
Act 16
U.W. Madison and DOA vehicle fleet maintenance functions combined [Sec. 9156 (3s)] [vetoed]
U.W. Madison and DOA vehicle fleet maintenance functions combined [Sec. 9156 (5m)] -
Act 109
Automobile repair business regulation: separate DATCP appropriation eliminated [Sec. 27] -
Act 109
Electric personal assistive mobility device: definition and regulations established; exempt from definition of ``vehicle" and certain motor vehicle laws -
Act 90
Emergency vehicle, tow truck, or highway machinery equipment stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing -
Act 15
Emission level testing for certain vehicles: DOT to determine period of time [Sec. 2605, 2606] -
Act 16
Foreign diplomat involved in moving traffic violation: law enforcement officers to forward copy of uniform traffic citation to federal Department of state -
Act 27
Low-speed vehicle regulations [Sec. 2114c 2972k, 3020q-u, 3219L, v, 3390u-y, 3407e-v, 3408t, v, y, 3409n, r, 3442d, 3445be-bp, 3456mg, nm, 3456s, 3816m] [vetoed]
Snowplow in operation: following too closely prohibited; exception provided -
Act 34
State patrol security, traffic enforcement services, and special events: fees authorized; fee not to apply to farm progress days [Sec. 2338-2340i, 9352 (3)] [2339 — partial veto; 2339m, 2340i — vetoed] -
Act 16
State traffic patrol officer or inspector may conduct investigation re motor vehicle and traffic laws -
Act 68
Theft of a rented or leased motor vehicle [Sec. 3939, 9359 (2)]
Act 16
Vehicle operation on class ``B" highways [Sec. 3445p, 9352 (8k)] -
Act 16
Low-speed vehicle regulations [Sec. 2114c 2972k, 3020q-u, 3219L, v, 3390u-y, 3407e-v, 3408t, v, y, 3409n, r, 3442d, 3445be-bp, 3456mg, nm, 3456s, 3816m] [vetoed]
School crossing sign at intersection: requirement for motor vehicles to reduce speed revised re any child or crossing guard -
Act 47
Speed limit on STH 58 in Juneau county [Sec. 3442g-m, 3456m, p] [vetoed] -
CANPB appropriation changes re ``Celebrate Children" license plate fees, children's trust fund moneys for certain projects, and early childhood family education center grants [Sec. 689, 690-692, 1138, 1652d-1656] -
Act 16
Homemade and replica vehicles: registration of [Sec. 432j, wg-wt, 461m, 9352 (1jh), 9452 (2j)]
Act 109
Registration plates redesign: redesign cycle created; reissue deadline extended; date for redesign of ``Celebrate Children", ``Ducks Unlimited", and ``professional football team" delayed [Sec. 3391-3395] -
Act 16
Special license plates: fees for issuance and reissuance adjusted [Sec. 3396-3406, 3407, 9452 (1)] -
Act 16
Vehicle environmental impact fee revisions [Sec. 2539k, 3408g, r, 9410 (1gk), 9452 (3gk)] -
Act 16
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, private bar appropriation increase, trial and appellate division hiring freeze exemption, threshold for property crimes, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Corrections, Department of"]
Act 109
Theft of a rented or leased motor vehicle [Sec. 3939, 9359 (2)]
Act 16
Safety program for motorcycles, mopeds, and motor bicycles [Sec. 9252 (1e)] -
Act 109
Motorcycle stop lamp: use of a blue light permitted [Sec. 3445dg, dm] [vetoed] -
Homemade and replica vehicles: registration of [Sec. 432j, wg-wt, 461m, 9352 (1jh), 9452 (2j)]
Act 109
Registration plate revisions [Sec. 432g h, r, w, 9452 (1fg)] -
Act 109
Veterans plates and regular registration plates for motorcycles [Sec. 3390yd, yw, 3406p, 3407b-d, 9452 (1q)] [3406p — partial veto; 3390yd, yw — vetoed]
Act 16
Local government, Commission on, created; duties set, report required [Sec. 9101 (1)] -
Act 109
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns, and villages; 1st and 2nd class cities provision; landlord or receiver prohibitions; redemption revised
Act 86
Renew Wisconsin pilot program and cooperation regions; performance standards provisions; LAB to report annually [Sec. 2022s, t, 9156 (1d)] [2022t — partial veto]
Act 16
School board membership: petition procedure for changing the number revised -
Act 54
TID creation by city re public notice deficiencies: DOR must proceed in certain cases -
Act 11
``Class B" license quotas: effect of annexation or detachment of territory -
Act 49
Direct annexation of certain town territory: procedure created; sunset provided [Sec. 151e] [vetoed]
Jr2 AB-1
Municipal incorporation and boundary review functions of DOA: fee permitted; DOA review of certain town annexations [Sec. 255, 810, 2015-2019, 9301 (2mk)]
Act 16
Property tax exemption report filed by church or religious association re certain land annexed by city of La Crosse: deadline modified -
Act 32
Town island annexations [Sec. 2019m, n, 9359 (9w)] [2019n — partial veto] -
Act 16
Election administration services: JLC to study and prepare recommendations for consolidation [Sec. 9132 (3q)]
Act 109
Punch card voting systems eliminated; voting system transitional assistance provided; electronic voting equipment lease and sublease provisions [Sec. 2m-9y, 29p-69s, 76ab, ac, 81m, 87o-87s, 94sm-96m, 906m, n, 1994m, 9101 (20x), 9115 (1x), 9129 (1x), 9415 (2x), (2y)] [906m, 9129 (1x) — partial veto; 9101 (20x), 9115 (1x) — vetoed]
Act 16
Municipal services: special charges for [Sec. 2022tL-2023, 9359 (8z)] [vetoed] -
Shared revenue payments to municipalities [Sec. 2255d, 2280m-2281e, 2285d-f] [2281e — partial veto]
Act 16
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